Open Source Update: Jingo

Update: Jingo is no longer supported as was deprecated in favor of django-jinja at the end of May 2016.

As part of shuffling around open source responsibilities, I’m going back to being the sole maintainer of Jingo for now.

I just pushed Jingo 0.8 to PyPI. This executes on a plan I developed over the summer:

  • 0.7 supports Django <1.7
  • 0.8 supports Django >=1.7

If you’re using 1.4ESR, or haven’t moved off 1.6 yet, stick with Jingo 0.7. (But this is a good time to move off 1.6.) There is a v0.7.x branch, in case there are fixes to backport to it, but I don’t really anticipate doing so.

I don’t know what the future of this project is at this point. django-jinja actually follows the Django template loader changes supported in 1.8, and has a more active community and more mindshare. Like import this says, there should be one way to do it. I’m going to take a hard look at moving my dependencies over to django-jinja. Will wrote about the switch, if you’re interested in moving.

But for right now, Jingo is supported, even if there’s not a lot of active development going on. If that changes, I’ll make a reasonably large stink about it.