How to: Upgrade or Recompile PHP on RHEL5 (Outdated)

**Update: **This post is nearly two years old, and this is not how I would recommend upgrading PHP on RHEL, yet it continues to get traffic. If I can get my hands on a copy of RHEL, I’ll update this (or I might try using Fedora just to compare).

Upgrading PHP on RHEL 5 is difficult. Having done it on several servers, I’ve gotten it down to a 15 to 20 step process. It takes a while, but it’s straightforward. I thought I’d share, because help was sparse and noncontiguous at best.

RedHat Enterprise Linux: Hard to upgrade PHP.

RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 comes with PHP 5.1.6 and, as of this writing, this is the highest version available on yum. If you want to upgrade to 5.2.4, or even recompile 5.1.6 with a custom configuration, you’ll need to resolve several dependencies, first.

Unless otherwise specified, whenever I run ./configure, I always include --enable-shared and --enable-static.

The first step is to make sure you have a working APXS script installed. None of the servers on which I’ve done this had it. I installed Apache 2.2.4 over the default install, since it was the latest version. Be sure to enable APXS with --enable-so. Be careful configuring Apache, as it likes to install itself in /usr/local/apache2/ instead of /etc/httpd/, which you may prefer.

Now we start resolving the dependencies. I’d start with libtool and libiconv. The former you should be able to install via yum. The latter you may have to download, and after you configure it, from the source directory copy m4/iconv.m4 to /usr/local/share/aclocal/iconv.m4.

Use yum to make sure mysql-devel is installed, you’ll need it to link to mysql.

Then I’d do the image manipulation software, since it’s fairly easy. Use yum to install libjpeg, libpng and freetype. You can then use yum to make sure both gd and gd-devel are installed.

I installed libmcrypt, libmhash, and ming at this point. I’d say it’s a good time to get any of these more particular dependencies out of the way. I also installed Tidy, which you need to check out from their CVS repository. You can run build/gnuauto/ from the Tidy source directory to create the autoconf files.

Now we get to the crux of the matter: configuring PHP. All the major dependencies should have been taken care of. If you have other PHP options you’ll need, make sure those prerequisites are installed, as well. Run the configure script in the PHP source directory with everything you need enabled. I find it helpful to create a script like php.config with the following format:

'./configure' \ '--with-cgi' \ '--with-fastcgi' \ '--with-gd' \ ... '--with-xml' \ "$@"

You need to include the slashes \ at the end of every line. The last line, "$@" makes the script output the output of configure.

If you get an error running make, you may need to edit your Makefile. Find the EXTRA_LIBS section (in vi/vim, type <ctrl-c> /EXTRA_LIBS <return>) and add -liconv to the end of the line. Then try make clean && make and it should work.

You may or may not have to edit your httpd.conf, after running make install from the PHP source directory, to add the AddType or AddHandler directive for PHP.

That should be it. You can install extensions via PECL or Pear and everything should run. Save the source directory and your php.config (or config.nice) file, and you’ll be able to recompile at any time, in case you forgot something. (I, for example, forgot to add --with-mysql the first time!)

Let me know if you run into other problems. Most can be solved by typing yum install ###-devel to resolve a dependency, but if not, I’ve done this enough to be of some help.